Water Softeners

The difference between softened water versus hard water is a significant one that you can see immediately. Water softeners are one of the best home water treatment systems. Your skin will no longer have a film on it after you shower or bathe. Soaps or detergents will go further and produce more lather. Over time, you will see less soap scum on shower tiles and less staining around water faucets.
We want you to be confident that your purchase is going to be the right fit for your needs – so we offer a free 90-day risk-free guarantee on all of our products. Learn more!
Do I Need a Water Softener?
Over 85% of homes in America have hard water. To determine if your home has hard water and if a water softener is the best solution, an accurate water test is critical to making sure your purchase will give you the results you expect without overspending. At Clearwater Systems, we are proud to offer free water testing for hardness, iron, odors, pH, tannins, and TDS (total dissolved solids) as well as any specific drinking water concerns.
Our certified technicians will perform a water test, in order to develop a custom water quality solution to fit your specific needs. For over 75 years, we’ve been industry leaders for affordable and efficient water softener systems. Here are just some of the most popular and effective water softener systems that we offer clients.
Kinetico Essential Series Water Softener
How Does a Water Softener System Work?
Whether your home has a water softener installed or you are thinking about getting one, you might be wondering just HOW a water softener works? Ion exchange or salt water softeners operate by binding negatively charged sodium, potassium or hydrogen resin to positively charged metal ions, drawing the hard minerals out of the water. Salt water softener systems are the most affordable and effective means to treat hard water in your home. We’ve designed this easy graphic to help explain the literal ins and outs of your water softener.