Meet Water Specialist Donnie Mann

Donnie has been a part of the water industry since 2018 and is certified by Kinetico KUDOS. In 2022, Donnie was the top performing Clearwater Systems Water Specialist and received the Kinetico Silver Plus Award. He also received the Kinetico 500+ Gold Award in 2021, the Kinetico 450+ Gold Award in 2020, the Kinetico Silver Award in 2019, and the Clearwater Systems Big Fish award in 2019, 2020, and 2021. Donnie played football at Gannon University, where he also obtained his MBA. He enjoys fishing and hiking, but most importantly, he enjoys being a husband and father.
Donnie loves being a part of Clearwater Systems because of their values. They are a family ran business that puts their customers and employees as top priority. Donnie enjoys selling Kinetico products because they are American made and are non-electric. He believes that they are the best water treatment options available.
According to Donnie, taking care of each of his customers and earning the respect of a referral to a friend or family member are what he enjoys in his everyday work. Knowing that he can provide a solution to their water problems and that our team can be trusted to provide quality service makes his job of providing great quality water a simple task! Donnie looks forward to providing more customers with high-quality products and continuing to build relationships.
If you are in Pennsylvania and would like more information or a Free Water Analysis, be sure to ask for Donnie Mann.